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Aloe Vera Face Mask- 10 DIY recipes for you!

Aloe vera has been on this planet before you, me & even our ancestors. The first written record of Aloe occurred 6000 years ago in the form of carvings of this succulent specie plant, in Egypt.

It is a plant of many surprises & the favorite ingredient of every household for its health, skincare & medicinal properties. I’ve included 10 DIY aloe vera face masks for majorly all skin concerns.

Aloe Vera Gel

Is it good to put Aloe Vera on your face?

  • YES! You can apply the aloe vera gel every single day. Aloe Vera is an antiseptic. It has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, moisturizing, anti-aging & wound-healing properties.
  • It has loads of Antioxidants like vitamin A, C, and E which helps fight off the free radical damage from the harsh UV rays of the skin.
  • The hormones in Aloe Vera called Auxins & Gibberellins help in wound healing.
  • Aloe Vera stimulates fibroblasts which produce collagen & elastin fibers which help the skin look younger for a longer period.
  • The antibacterial properties of Aloe Vera help reduce acne-causing bacteria.
  • It is filled with glycoproteins which give suppleness to the skin, retain moisture & boost hydration levels
  • The best part is, Aloe Vera is made up of 99% water which makes the texture super light & non-greasy to put on the skin.

What skin concerns does Aloe Vera help with?

A homemade Aloe Vera face mask can help with any inflammation on the skin, mild acne, dry/flaky skin, rashes, frost bites, sunburn, minimizing pore size, removing dead skin, dust & excess oils for brighter skin & improving skin’s firmness,

How do you use Aloe Vera as a face mask?

The first question is, which form of aloe vera to use, Plant form or packaged gel form? The answer is, both are good for use but obviously if you have easy access to the Aloe plant, prioritize that pure aloe vera gel.

Take an aloe leaf, scrap the aloe vera gel off (don’t take the yellow liquid latex thing) & you can store the excess in the fridge packed in the container. If you’re using the packaged gel form, look for 100% aloe vera with aloe vera as the first ingredient & no fragrance bullshit.

What are some effective DIY aloe vera face mask recipes?

Aloe Vera is an ingredient that can be used alone too but mixing it with a few ingredients from your kitchen doubles the benefits.

FYI: Don’t make the consistency too runny, it’s super inconvenient to apply & all of the ingredient lists are given below per mask, you can use whatever max ingredients you have on hand. Lastly, Leave all the masks for a minimum of 15 mins.

Aloe Vera Face Masks Recipes

1.For Dry & flaky skin

Ingredients needed: Aloe vera, Honey, Coconut oil/Almond oil, Mashed Banana.

  • Aloe – 2 tsp
  • Honey- 1 tsp
  • Coconut/Almond Oil- ¼ tsp
  • Mashed banana- 1 tbsp
  • Mix all the ingredients & make a nice smooth thick jelly like paste. Apply for 15 mins at least & rinse with lukewarm water. Spray some rose water on the face & seal with moisturizer

2. For Anti-ageing  

Ingredients needed: Aloe Vera gel, Cumin seed oil/rose oil/grapeseed oil, brown sugar, turmeric

  • Aloe – 2 tsp
  • Oil of your choice – 2 drops
  • Brown sugar- 1 tsp
  • Turmeric- a pinch

3. For Skin tightening

Ingredients needed: Aloe Vera gel, Egg whites, Flax       seed powder or gel

  • Aloe – 2 tsp
  • Egg whites- 3 tsp
  • Flax seed powder/gel – 2 tsp

4. For Inflammation or any redness

Ingredients needed: Aloe vera gel, Turmeric, Honey, Basil

  • Aloe – 2 tsp
  • Turmeric- 2 pinches
  • Honey- 2 tsp
  • Basil- Grind basil using a pestle & use 1 tsp of the basil paste

5. For Acne

Ingredients needed: Aloe vera gel, Tea tree oil, Tomato juice

  • Aloe – 2 tsp
  • Tea tree oil- 2 drops
  • Tomato juice- 2 tsp

6. For Exfoliation

Ingredients needed: Aloe vera gel, Apple cider vinegar, Brown sugar

  • Aloe – 2 tsp
  • Apple cider vinegar- 1 tsp
  • Brown sugar- 1 ½ tsp

7. For a Bright complexion

Ingredients needed: Aloe Vera gel, green tea, Unsweetened Cacao powder

  • Aloe – 2 tsp
  • Green tea- Boil the loose green tea or a tea bag & take 2 tsp
  • Unsweetened cacao powder- 1 tsp

8. Cooling Mask

Ingredients needed: Aloe Vera gel, Wheatgrass juice, Yogurt

  • Aloe – 2 tsp
  • Wheatgrass juice- 1 tsp
  • Yogurt- 1 tsp

9. For a Hydration boost

Ingredients needed: Aloe Vera gel, Cucumber/Avocado, Honey, Rosewater

  • Aloe – 2 tsp
  • Cucumber puree/Avocado paste – 1 ½ tsp
  • Honey- 1 tsp
  • Rose water- 2 tsp

10. For Even skin tone /Clogged pores

Ingredients needed: Aloe Vera gel, yogurt, lemon juice

  • Aloe – 2 tsp
  • Yogurt- 1 tsp
  • Lemon juice- 1 tsp

How often should you apply these masks?

Ideally, you can use any of these aloe vera face masks two times a week but all these ingredients are absolutely natural & are non-chemicals, hence the masks can be applied even every day, just limit the timing to under 10 mins if you’re applying it every day.

Can Aloe Vera or any of these Aloe Vera masks cause irritation or any side effects?

Any Topical skincare product which can also be put into the mouth mostly doesn’t cause any severe irritation to the skin (unlike active ingredients like AHAs/BHAs) unless you are specifically allergic to any particular ingredient or have very sensitive skin. So, do a patch test, maybe on your forearm or behind the ears, just to be confirmed. If you notice any signs of irritation or burning sensation, wash your face with cold water.


Can you use Aloe Vera as an overnight mask too?

If it suits you, you can also use it as an overnight mask once a week- simply slather it up on the face & sleep.. Let it soften all the dead skin cells for their easy removal in the morning & heal any photodamage.

Why does my skin feel tight after using Aloe Vera?

Aloe Vera is mildly astringent (it has zinc in it). Astringent is a chemical that causes the tightening of skin cells & other body tissues. They tighten pores & dry out oils. Astringent is also slightly acidic & bitter in taste. Hence when you apply it on the face, you get that tightening or perhaps shrinking feeling of the skin cells. You can apply a layer of Moisturizer on it to subdue that uncomfortable tightness.

What is the yellow liquid in Aloe Vera?

Aloe Vera plant – Yellow Latex

That’s called latex which is a bitter yellow sap & contains glycosides & anthraquinones like Aloin, and barbaloin. It’s found between the skin & gel of the leaf. Latex can be allergic to people in both topical & oral forms.

Unprocessed aloe latex causes diarrhea, kidney problems, cramping, electrolyte imbalances, and red urine & might even contain cancer-causing compounds. So, I highly advise using Aloe Vera without the yellow latex.

How do you remove this yellow sap from aloe Vera?

Place the Aloe Leaf at the edge of your sink upright at an angle to allow the yellow latex to drain out for 10-15 mins.

Can you eat Aloe Vera?

Yes, it is edible in juice form. Buy it from a trusted brand that uses pure 100% Aloe Vera or if you’re making juice at home, first drain & clean the yellow latex chemical completely, then blend Aloe with some water & juice it.

Who should not drink Aloe Vera juice?

Children younger than 12 years should mostly avoid & pregnant/nursing women should definitely avoid it.


  1. Aloe vera is mostly very gentle & calming on all skin types. People with very sensitive skin types may be exceptions. So, patch test before applying on the face.
  2. In both oral & topical forms, remove the yellow bitter latex chemical from the Aloe plant to avoid allergic reactions.
  3. & Lastly, use aloe vera in these effective face mask recipes I mentioned above to take the maximum advantage of this super low-cost ingredient.
Reference- Wikipedia 

Love~ Beauty Stroll

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By Aayushi S
By Aayushi S
Aayushi is a New York based freelance writer and a content strategist. She is a computer science graduate, a health and skincare fanatic and is also the founder of “Beauty Stroll “. She aims to make science-backed skincare easy to understand for her readers.

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